A Reiki Session With Connie
We all know that stress is not good for us. We also know that life is full of stresses. We have relationships with family, friends, co-workers and those in our community (store clerks/owners, doctors, dentists, restaurant employees, neighbors, to name a few). All these interactions stir up emotions and reactions. Every time you meet and engage with these people, a small cord of energy is formed between you and the other person. If the relationship deepens the cord becomes stronger. When the interactions are healthy, we feel wonderful! We all resonate on a wonderful high energy frequency!
However, sometimes these interactions are not healthy and the relationship between you and certain people sours and you no longer feel good when you're around the person. You may feel drained, angry, fearful, anxious and emotional (all these things do not feel good). We tend to feel it in our chest and/or our stomach (our hearts, our solar plexus and/or sacral chakras). You may have engaged in gossip and drama, or addictive and obsessive behaviors. You may have been abusive (or been abused). You may have been needy or been overly needed by someone. You may have even become an energy vampire or are the victim of one. You more than likely made poor choices as did the people you were in a relationship with. Relationships do not have to end poorly, or even end at all; but some do. Taking accountability for your part in any relationship breakdown is so freeing. It also helps us grow so we don't repeat the experience with someone new. Be kind to yourself and grateful that you've learned lessons or have become enlightened about yourself. We all make mistakes as we are all learning. If we are not learning, we are not evolving. We often hear the worst things take us to the best things. This is so true for me!
Most of the time, cords are cut, because they become imbalanced and all that is left in the relationship is the flow of negative energy. Sadly, most people walk away from unhealthy relationships and more than likely go on to make the same mistakes with new people. Sometimes those cords are deeply rooted as they are cords to family members or longtime friends and this causes pain and hurt feelings which can often be emotionally unhealthy. Not only that, many other people will be affected by cut cords and bad energy. If the person is a family member, co-worker or a life partner, it can get very messy. You need to earn an income to survive; and if it's a life partner, you obviously have many things to consider. Ending relationships is hard; but sometimes it is the only answer. Reiki can help you transition through the struggles of a breakup.
When our relationships are unhealthy our chakras become unbalanced; and the energy flow in our bodies becomes unbalanced. Over time, we can become sick; because not only does an unbalanced chakra system affect our physical body; but eventually our mental health is affected. You may be suffering from lack of sleep, poor nutrition (or complete loss of appetite). All these things will catch up to you until you deal with them. You may also repeat relationship patterns over and over until you change your own poor behavioral habits. The part you play in all your relationship breakdowns.
It is your choice if you would like to discuss your issues (like Vegas; what happens in the studio; stays in the studio). It is not necessary or mandatory to discuss your issues. Trust plays a huge role in our inner thoughts and levels of anxiety. You should always feel safe with the people you give your life stories to. I am not a counselor or a therapist and do not provide these services. I am however, also a certified Life Coach and can give suggestions on how to move forward (if you ask). Prior to your Reiki Session, I will ask you to set an intention. You can do this out loud, or privately. The choice is yours. An example could be: "I ask that all negative energy that relates to (whatever your issue is) be cleared from me and in the future, when I am faced with (name of person), that I remain calm and that I be guided by my Higher Self to make better decisions and reactions that are in alignment with the best interests of myself and all others involved."
Once you set your intention, I will then start the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Session balancing your 7 Chakras and releasing all that holds you back. The appropriate amount of Reiki energy goes directly to the areas of your Chakra system that need it most. You will draw in the Reiki Energy according to what you need to release, activate, or transform the energy of your body (your aura). You are fully clothed and laying on a Reiki Table, the lights are dimmed and candles are lit while Reiki music plays. You will be guided into a state of relaxation and hopefully, mindful meditation. Some people fall asleep and if this happens, it is a compliment as it means you trusted me enough that your state of relaxation took you to slumber. People often report feeling the energy as heat and/or tingling and sometimes, the energy can be cold. Some people have told me they saw colors. Some people become so relaxed they will experience an astral projection where they leave their physical body and explore the astral realm - a dream like trance; while in a state of lucidity. My hope is that you can go to a place of relaxation and that all of your troubles are either released and/or lessened in your mind. You may cry, and if you do that is okay too. I have soft Kleenex and wonderful hugs!
Some of the reported benefits of Reiki are: Physical (release of tension, enhanced healing, relaxation, ease of pain and discomfort, increased sense of well-being, relief from fatigue, increased energy, improved sleep, strengthened immune system). Mental (clarity, insight, awareness, wisdom, less stress and anxiety, better decision making and coping skills, contentment, personal empowerment, harmony and inner peace, sense of calmness, emotional releases, clearing of negative feelings and emotions, release of addictive habits). Spiritual Initiation of spiritual and personal growth, release of energy blocks, balanced chakras for a smooth flow of energy, strengthened connection to your own Divine beliefs, increased intuition, renewed and increased energy, life force and vitality, clear knowing to your Soul's calling and/or personal path to your Higher Self.
I believe that it is super important to find a Reiki practitioner that you relate to and resonate with. Every practitioner has their own style; however, if your practitioner is practicing Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, the principles are the same. Hand positions vary, but are very similar. If after your Reiki Session, you or I determine that we don't resonate; your Session will be FREE. I also believe that everyone could benefit from Reiki and know that not everyone can afford the extra costs of Reiki Sessions. Therefore, CJ's Reiki Studio is a PAY WHAT YOU WANT OR CAN. This could be a bag of apples from your tree. To make this less stressful and free of judgment for people, there is no "cash out" at the end of your Session (unless you want to pay for your Session by Interac or VISA - I also accept e-transfer to conniepjohnson55@gmail.com). When your Session is complete, I will leave the room and when you are ready, and if you wish to, you can leave payment in the wooden box that is just outside the room on the blue shelf. If you can, please try and bring the amount you wish to pay. However, there is always change in the box. After you leave the room, you will meet with me in the living area of my home, where we will discuss your Reiki Session and I will tell you which of your Chakras were unbalanced. You will then get an email confirming the imbalances and some suggestions for keeping yourself balanced until you receive your next Reiki Session.
DISCLAIMER: Healing and medicine are two separate disciplines which can compliment each other. Reiki is the art of natural healing, not the practice or replacement for modern medicine or mental health treatment or addiction treatment. Reiki is intended to be a supplement to (an extra tool), NOT a substitute for professional medial care and treatment. Always pay heed to your caregiver and doctor's care and instructions for wellness.